ResMed AirSense 10 AutoSet CPAP Machine | (2025)

ResMed AirSense 10 AutoSet Automatic CPAP Machine Bundle

The AirSense 10 AutoSet is a premium auto-adjusting device. A host of breakthrough features, including the smart AutoSet algorithm.

Designed to be intuitive and easy to use, you can simply plug in the AirSense 10 AutoSet device and press Start. The AutoSet algorithm has been built on 25 years of sleep therapy expertise for more effective, more comfortable treatment in an intuitive, easy-to-use format. This self-adjusting device includes the HumidAir humidifier and Climateline heated tube, making it perfect for those new to treatment or those who require a replacement machine.

Features & Benefits

Intelligent detection: AutoRamp with sleep onset detection starts with low pressure for greater comfort. Once you’ve fallen asleep, the pressure gradually increases to the prescribed level.

Built-in ambient light sensor: You won’t disturb your partner if you need to get up at night. The screen’s light level adjusts to the room’s brightness and turns off automatically so you can sleep more easily.

Quality-of-life features: The quiet, Easy-Breathe motor offers you and your bed partner a more peaceful night’s sleep, while a streamlined SlimLine tube makes it easier to move around in bed.

Simple to use: Plug in the AirSense 10 AutoSet and press Start. It’s easy to change the comfort settings, and your device will give you feedback on your therapy every morning.

SmartStart & SmartStop feature: As soon as you breathe into your mask, your therapy begins. A few seconds after you remove your mask, it stops.

Humidifier and heated tube: The HumidAir humidifier with advanced technology relieves dryness and congestion. The ClimateLine Air heated tube can be used with the humidifier to breathe warm air through the night without the risk of rainout (condensation droplets), which can often form in standard tubing.

HumidAir for even greater comfort.

The HumidAir Heated Humidifier provides extra comfort by adding warmth and moisture to the air and making the air more natural to breathe and reducing the risk of your mouth or nasal passages drying out. It simply slots into the side of the main machine.

Additionally, the ClimateLine Air heated tube can be used with the humidifier to breathe warm air through the night without the risk of rainout (condensation droplets), which can often form in standard tubing.

Get more from your AirSense with myAir connectivity

The optional ResMed myAir feature is an online support program and app that makes it easy to begin therapy, track your progress with a daily sleep score and receive encouragement.

ResMed AirSense 10 AutoSet CPAP Machine | (1)

MyAir provides:

Guide to starting therapy – Personal Therapy Assistant guides you through equipment setup and helps you get used to therapy and troubleshoot common issues.

Your daily myAir score – Wake up to results. Your myAir score puts your progress at your fingertips with daily updates on your sleep therapy.

Personalised sleep coaching – Receive tailored encouraging messages.

ResMed myAir offers a very simple and convenient way to regularly look at how well your therapy is progressing. Using myAir will allow us to provide feedback and suggestions on how it could be improved should you want us to.

Please note: We cannot access this data. We could only provide feedback if you shared it with us.

myAir connectivity is an optional additional service that you can choose whether to have included with your AirSense 10 device when ordering.

It is an additional £100.

Learn more about myAir in our – all you need to know about ResMed myAir article.

Please note this functionality cannot be added retrospectively, so if you choose not to include myAir when ordering your machine, it cannot be added at a later point.

If you need any help or advice, contact us.

What’s in the box?

  • AirSense Machine
  • HumidAir humidifier
  • ClimateLine Air heated tube
  • Travel bag
  • 90W Power supply
  • 15mm slimline tube
  • x12 hypoallergenic filters
  • Tubing elbow
  • User guide

Important Information: This is an ‘automatic’ CPAP machine, which automatically adjusts the pressure for the user, although it can also be set with specific pressure settings if required. If you have not yet had Sleep Apnoea identified or do not have any written confirmation of Sleep Apnoea, or prior CPAP usage that you can send us, please consider our quick In-Home Sleep Test. If you have any questions, please contact us via email or call us on 0800 024 8050.

ResMed AirSense 10 AutoSet CPAP Machine | (2025)


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