Chapter Text
"Aemond will look after you." Rhaenyra, Lucerys’ mother, was adamant and her tone of voice unwavering. She was playing a dangerous political game in the race for superiority, and all her children, including Lucerys, the only omega, needed protection. Lucerys didn’t delve into politics, having long since led his own life and enjoyed it. Rhaenyra's fears seemed like nonsense to him. He was nineteen, he was an ordinary omega hosting his own podcast about sex education. Who cares about him?
He carefully concealed his origins, hiding his kinship with Rhaenyra and the other Targaryens. Always favoring only his own paths and dreams, Lucerys chose to live in the capital’s sleeping area, where, he was sure, no suitors, stalkers, or potential criminals would get him.
In the run-up to the election, his mother insisted that Lucerys leave the house with caution, but only in the presence of Aemond, her faithful, damn it, counselor. In fact, since when had the Lucerys’ family become so close-knit? Had Viserys, his grandfather, found a way to quench the hot Targaryen blood and reconcile all the relatives at once? Whatever. Lucerys was to spend a whole week with Aemond, his former childhood crush, by the way. They won't be able to spend an hour together in peace!
Lucerys, making himself his morning coffee, tuned in to the meeting. Oh, he hadn't seen his uncle in over three years. All he remembered was his attraction to him, his wild grace, his mystical beauty, and an unfortunate drunken kiss. Oh yes, on his birthday, after receiving a gift from Aemond, Lucerys had foolishly kissed him. At first it was an innocent, playful kiss, until Aemond himself slid his tongue between his lips. They probably kissed for a couple minutes, and then Aemond, saying that Lucerys was a lousy kisser and not good at "adult things," grinned smugly and walked away. Since then, Lucerys had set himself the goal of learning these very "adult things" and decided to become a sexologist.
And so it was that Lucerys, without waiting for graduation, became the host of a podcast about sex education mainly for teenagers. He was always good with kids and got into their every problem. He had many fans, many appreciative listeners, and many subscribers. Children still inexperienced in sex idolized him. Having been hurt by the words of a rude uncle once, now Lucerys was proud and confident in himself, his own strength and knowledge. Except that he himself had never slept with either alphas or betas. Oh no, he wasn't saving his "rose of innocence" for someone special, he was simply too busy with his hobby-work, and spent most of his free time on podcasts or his blog.
Of course, like many busy modern people, Lucerys masturbated by testing new adult toys and then describing his feelings and experiences on his blog. In this way, he seemed to be helping not only himself, but also others to accept themselves and their bodies. The work brought not only physical and spiritual pleasure, but also enough money. Lucerys didn’t complain about his life, renting a spacious apartment far away from his politically passionate relatives. He always hid his face and his real name and had long ago stopped maintaining a personal profile on social media. His mother's paranoia was well-founded but, again he thought, unfounded. And why Aemond anyway? Why always him! His shadow, like himself, haunted Lucerys everywhere, even in the family nest.
Once Lucerys even took away his eye, damn it. Oh, then, being bold and unrestrained in their feud, they fought in the street. Frightened beyond belief, Lucerys left a deep scar on Aemond's face, slashing it across the left side with surgical precision. Probably if it hadn't been for Lucerys, Aemond would have become a juvenile assassin, bringing a large rock over Jacaerys’ head. He would no doubt have crushed the skull of Lucerys' older brother and would have ended up in a prison if not for the knife Lucerys carried with him for self-defense. They were all placed under house arrest. Their parents tried their best to reconcile them. As time passed, they grew from children into teenagers, and from teenagers into adult alphas and omega.
Lucerys honestly asked Aemond for forgiveness, even too often and too obsessively. Eventually, Aemond forgave, or pretended to forgive, softening under the charms of his omega nephew. Oh yes, Lucerys was perfect, grew up to be an absolutely lovely, sinfully beautiful young male omega. His beauty disarmed the fiery and arrogant Aemond. One day, drunk Aemond admitted it. Lucerys was startled by his crooked grin and sly gaze, but he smiled gratefully, not taking his words seriously.
Only after a spontaneous kiss initiated by himself, Lucerys realized that Aemond, like himself, had been obsessed with each other for a long time. Perhaps they were destined to be together. Perhaps they were each other's two halves. Lucerys didn’t know. He chose himself over an untimely and dangerous challenge. And here they are, bound to meet again and to spend at least a whole day together without killing each other. Lucerys deliberately hid all sharp objects, even forks, and bought wooden chopsticks to spare. Why not, at least a diet of Japanese food wouldn't do any harm.
Lucerys was at home and had the right to look as he wanted. He wouldn't have to wear a weekend outfit for his uncle, after all. Besides, it was hot in the summer. Lucerys wore one long, black oversized T-shirt and the same long socks. Except that accessories invariably adorned his neck, wrists, and ears.
Lucerys exhaled into the silence and let Aemond into the apartment, instantly enveloping him in politeness and natural charm. Now he had to re-make coffee for two. Aemond, like Lucerys, was in total black, and his long silver hair and pallor contrasted with the somber background of his image. Wonderful. Lucerys sighed. Aemond hadn’t changed a bit, hadn’t lost his mystical beauty, the wild grace and danger that so steadfastly emanated from him.
“Can I smoke, nephew?” Aemond attentively watched Lucerys as he made cinnamon coffee.
“Only e-cigarettes, uncle. Look, you don't like my mother's idea either, do you?”
“So what?” Aemond put the pack of cigarettes on the table with disappointment and looked around. Lucerys’ spacious kitchen was impressive for its cleanliness and lack of knives and cutlery. Aemond grinned meaningfully and sat down at the table. He tapped his fingernails on the wooden surface. “Put away all the tools capable of cutting human flesh at once? Smart, Luke. But what if someone broke into your house?”
Lucerys bit his lower lip awkwardly. He set the cup of coffee in front of Aemond and sat down across from him.
“Someone other than you? You have a gun, right? Well, since you're my mother’s soldier, you know how to shoot, right?”
“Too many questions. Aren't you scared at all? By the way, the threats are real, Luke," Aemond squinted, focusing on Lucerys’ freckled face. “The prettiest ones are usually the most desirable targets.”
“Did you just make a subtle reference to my weakness? By the way, I should warn you, I've been taking karate classes," Lucerys rolled his eyes when Aemond smirked wickedly. “Anyway, I live my life. This is my home, my rules. Since you're protecting me, you should follow them.”
“I'm listening to you very carefully," Aemond grinned again. It seems, Lucerys amused and intrigued him.
“It's not complicated. If I'm working, you stay out of my way. If I'm in the bathroom, you stay out of my way. And most importantly, don't come into my room if it's closed. My work is very intimate," Lucerys coughed delicately and looked away from Aemond to the window. Oh, he wasn't the least bit shy about his work. It was just that Aemond's gaze was too piercing and mocking. It was just that Aemond was insufferable.
“Making homemade porn?” Aemond even stopped blinking, watching Lucerys with interest. Oh, his mind immediately formed a couple of racy fantasies. Aemond barely restrained himself from making a dirty joke.
“Screw you, Aemond. It's not porn! I have my own blog and podcast about sex education. It's good work, by the way. A lot of teenagers and even adults are grateful to me," Lucerys stood up after finishing his coffee and opened the window. He was smoking an electronic cigarette. “So really don't disturb me.”
“Hmm, I’m curious. Why the secrecy if it's just a podcast and a blog?” Aemond arched his right eyebrow questioningly. Oh, the week promised to be fun. Aemond was rarely capable of having fun, but Lucerys made him smile enigmatically in anticipation.
“Do you have to know everything? Anyway, I need to test at least three toys," Lucerys' cheeks flushed traitorously. Fucking Aemond.
“With your pussy?” Damn. Aemond swallowed noisily.
“Yes. So what? By the way, no jerking off in the shower is also a rule for my guests," Lucerys looked at Aemond sternly. “Do whatever you want, but don't bother me.”
“How heartless you are, Luke," Aemond snickered as he was left alone with his coffee.
Lucerys defiantly remained silent and retired to his room, accompanied by the interested gaze of one eye.
Lucerys spent his podcast in peace. Aemond didn't think to disturb him, he was busy with his own work, having sat at his laptop for about two hours. The only rule he had broken so far was smoking. Oh, Aemond hadn't been able to kick the addiction for over four years now. He smoked on the balcony and near the window, taking breaks from his reports. He also contacted Rhaenyra, made a couple calls to his older brother, and smoked again. He was frankly bored while Lucerys was taking a bath.
Lucerys was probably right - no danger awaited him, but Aemond couldn't disobey the order. Or rather, he didn't want to disobey, because he suddenly wanted to get to know his nephew. He hadn't been so intrigued in a long time. And goddamn, It had been a long time since he had interacted with an omega. Much less an omega nephew, to whom he had been incomprehensibly drawn since long ago. Aemond settled on the couch in front of the TV and mindlessly searched for some gory slasher from the last century. It was nearing evening and dinner time, but other than the Japanese rolls in Lucerys' refrigerator, there was nothing. Then Aemond opened a bottle of white sparkling wine. Lucerys, on the other hand, said nothing about alcohol. Watching a horror movie, Aemond drank a good half of the wine.
Lucerys came out of the bath relaxed, covered in a soft towel. He had thought Aemond would be busy with something important until later in the evening. What the fuck? Was he, what, going to defend his nephew's honor drunk?
“Aemond, are you crazy? What if they really do kidnap me?” Lucerys strode into the living room without even getting dressed, wearing only a towel. Droplets dripped from his wavy hair, and the pleasant scent of shower gel and shampoo wafted into Aemond's sense of smell. “And why the fuck did you close the curtains before the sun went down?”
Aemond rolled his eye before he looked at Lucerys, who was blocking his view of the horror movie. Gods, it hadn't even been three hours and his nephew was already pissing him off. Especially with his overt sexuality.
“Calm down. Haven't you ever seen a thriller movie? You have to close the curtains for your own safety, that's one. Two, I need to drink three fucking bottles of wine to get drunk. And three, get dressed. I'm human too, in case you haven't noticed. And what's worse, I’m alpha," Aemond poured himself more wine just in case, exhaling heavily. Suddenly it was hot.
“You're pissing me off, Aemond," Lucerys rolled his eyes, pulling his towel tighter around himself. “Are we eating together or separately?”
How Aemond wanted to touch Lucerys, but instead he clutched the bottle in his hand. “As you wish.”
“Together, then. Pour me some wine too, I'll be right back," Lucerys felt a belated awkwardness himself and left to get dressed.
They dined in silence, talking to each other with meaningful glances. The day had not yet ended, but Lucerys was already tired from its intensity. He had expended too much energy on Aemond. Maybe the toy test would bring him enough discharge with a couple orgasms. On the other hand, Lucerys found the idea that he was going to masturbate in the presence of his uncle in his house strange and ridiculous. A creepily handsome, creepily mysterious, and highly impulsive alpha.
“I can hear you thinking, Luke. I remember from childhood that when you make up your mind about something, you bite your lips and smell like peppermint," Aemond twirled the filled glass in his hand.
The right option was to put off toy testing until better times. But Lucerys wanted to relax.
“This whole game of espionage and you as a bodyguard seems like a dream to me,” alas, it was real. Aemond was real, and so was the political intrigue. “Why not Daemon?”
“Because he's with Jace. If you don't believe in danger, I can show you proof," Aemond grinned almost viciously. Oh, Lucerys recognized the real him now.
“No, It’s okay. Don't come into my room. Is it clear?” Lucerys finished his wine and got up from the table.
“What if you fail to handle the toy or I hear something suspicious?” Aemond squinted his eye again, looking at Lucerys. His gaze made Lucerys miss a shiver. It bordered on lust and fear. Shit. No, no, Lucerys needed to get to his room immediately.
“More suspicious than the vibrations? I mean-" Lucerys bit his own tongue. “Aemond, I've said it all. There's no danger in my room. You can check it out.”
Aemond snorted. Curiosity played in him faster than the rational thought Lucerys uttered. Lucerys had to wait for the meticulous Aemond to look around his room. It was as if he was not looking for something suspicious, but for Lucerys’ toys, which he had thoughtfully hidden under the pillows. Looking under the bed, Aemond stood up and let Lucerys into his own damn room.
“All right, have fun. Hmm, call me if you need some help," Aemond grinned, giving Luceris an unmistakable look. A look that said he was ready to help.
Lucerys rolled his eyes and closed the door behind Aemond. There was no lock on the door, so he had to rely on trust alone. Lucerys could hear the deafening screams of the screen maniac's on-screen victims behind the wall. Aemond's tastes were strange. But the main thing was that he was watching a movie right now, which meant he probably wouldn't be able to hear the moans. Lucerys dimmed the lights and lay down on the bed just in case under the blanket. He made notes on each of the three toys and decided to start with the device whose manufacturer promised the brightest orgasm in a couple of moments. Lucerys examined the clitoral stimulator rather skeptically. The device was small with a gold colored design. Lucerys decided to stay in his underwear. He pulled up his long t-shirt and turned on the toy.
"Fuck," Lucerys relaxed and closed his eyes, placing the device against his pussy. Oh, the vibrations did feel good. Lucerys instantly became aroused and wet. He wriggled, moaned softly, and didn't stop stimulating his clit with the toy, which, as it turned out, was quite useful and functional. "Oh, gods." Lucerys squeaked and bit his lower lip. He had to pull down his underwear. It was now dangling down his right leg. He relaxed again and completely forgot himself in pleasure, missing the fact that Aemond was across the wall in the living room. Slick was leaking endlessly from his aroused pussy. The sensations sharpened to the extreme, Lucerys spread his legs apart and trembled. He licked his lips, gulped air between moans, and... He cried out, feeling his orgasm approaching.
“Luke, I heard a scream!” Aemond peered into his room, and Lucerys instantly hid under the blanket, losing his long-awaited orgasm.
“Damn it, Aemond, get out! You've interrupted such a moment!” Lucerys whimpered pitifully under the blanket.
Aemond didn't need words to realize how good Lucerys felt. He always smelled sweetly of caramel and vanilla when he felt joy. Aemond hummed in response to his own thoughts and walked into the room, following a momentary impulse.
“Look Luke, I'm curious what made you scream.”
Hearing Aemond's husky voice close by, Lucerys instantly brought his legs together and pulled his T-shirt almost to his knees. He peeked out from under the blanket fearfully. Aemond was without an eye patch, his hair was loose, and his single eye glittered with dangerous interest and... Lust?
“Gods, Aemond. This is so embarrassing, you'd better go....”
But Aemond, grinning, sat down on the bed and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Come on, Luke, show me. I'm intrigued.”
“Fuck. Look at this," Lucerys wiped the toy clean of his slick and showed it to Aemond.
“That's not interesting, show me how it works. That's the first time I've ever heard you shriek like that. I bet you'd scream even louder with me," Aemond tugged at the edge of the blanket, swallowing the saliva that had collected in his mouth.
“What the fuck? I'm not going to show you my pussy!” Lucerys flushed and rolled around on the sheets. The excitement was building, and his groin was hot again. Lucerys’ pussy was on fire, needing a fucking orgasm.
“What are you afraid of? I won't eat it, or you. And anyway…”
“Fine!” Lucerys was pissed. Anyway, he threw off his blanket, but didn't pull up his shirt. “Look, but don't touch, okay?”
“Okay. Come on, Luke," Aemond's pupil dilated, he licked his lips convulsively, and sat up more comfortably on the bed, watching Lucerys attentively. Disheveled and relaxed Lucerys turned him on with renewed vigor. A wave of arousal pleasantly spread through his body with a shiver. His groin felt tight. Aemond found it hard to control himself, but he honestly tried.
So that Aemond couldn't see his wet pussy, Lucerys clenched the edge of his shirt, spread his legs, and touched himself again with the vibrating toy. He arched gracefully as he had moments before, trembling and panting. The welcome stimulation returned, as did the earlier throbbing pleasure. Lucerys lowered his lashes and moaned. How Aemond wanted to touch him! Lucerys was too seductive, too alluring and endlessly arousing. Aemond bit his lower lip almost to the point of bleeding. His cock twitched in his pants, and a pitiful moan escaped from his lips.
“Fuck," Lucerys arched up again and shuddered, letting out a squeak.
“Fuck it!” Aemond lay down next to Lucerys. “Leave it to me.”
“No..." Lucerys didn't have time to protest, because Aemond kissed him insistently, taking the toy away from him. He pressed closer to Lucerys and touched his fingers to his wet pussy. Lucerys moaned into the kiss, and Aemond immediately slid his tongue between his lips. Lucerys, intoxicated by the sensations, by the caress of Aemond's fingers, responded to the kiss with enthusiasm. They played with each other's tongues and entwined them in a fervent dance. Lucerys’ slick was leaking over Aemond's fingers. The sensations were frighteningly new and shiveringly pleasurable. Aemond's hot, long fingers circled around Lucerys’ clit, stroked his pussy, and finally entered into a needy hole. Lucerys thrust his hips against them and the caresses. He moaned into the kiss, which lingered for the duration of the moment.
“What is better, hmm, Luke?” Aemond sped up his caresses and the movement of two fingers inside Lucerys' cunt, soaking up his responsiveness, watching his adorable face with pleasure frozen on it. Lucerys cried out, instinctively brought his legs together and trembled. He was on the verge of exploding, feeling like a ticking bomb for the first time. Aemond's fingers, like his right palm, were completely in Lucerys’ slick. He was sliding into him with ease, gliding over his highly aroused pussy. Aemond alternated between penetrations and strokes.
Lucerys didn't understand anything anymore, but his reaction and body screamed that Aemond was better than a toy. Or he was good in tandem with it. Lucerys would have time to think about that dilemma, but for now... Aemond bit the tender skin of Lucerys’ neck and licked the bite, still fucking him with his fingers, each time unmistakably hitting a sensitive spot.
“Fucking hell,” Aemond had forgotten himself. Aemond dissolved into Lucerys’ pleasure and ceased to exist in the world. He forgot his mission, that he was in his nephew's apartment to protect him, not to fuck. He forgot everything in the world and moaned into Lucerys’ neck, rubbing his groin against his thigh. How his cock ached, damn.
“Fuck!” Lucerys cried out again, clamped his eyes shut, trembled frantically, and... Exploded into many pieces. More precisely, his pussy exploded. Lucerys remembered the "splash," remembered his shriek. He experienced the most vivid orgasm of his life, lying on the wet bed. A look of delight and surprise froze on Aemond's face. He hadn't expected Lucerys to cum so violently. Lucerys was breathing through his mouth and still trembling with his legs closed. Shame followed the passing orgasm.
Aemond saw Lucerys' squirting, saw his orgasm. Aemond saw him vulnerable, aroused, at the highest peak of pleasure. But the hardest thing to accept was the fact that Aemond had brought Lucerys to orgasm with his own hands. Aemond looked at his palm. It was glistening with Lucerys’ slick in the warm light of the room. He grinned satisfied and fed up and just opened his mouth to say something, but....
“No! Shut up!" Lucerys put his palms to his face.
“Oh, come on. It was fun," Aemond licked his palm. “I knew you tasted like this, Luke. Nice and sweet. Do you want me to lick you?”
“Are you nuts? What are you gonna ask next? Fuck me? Aemond, wake up. If I had the strength, I'd push you the fuck off the bed," Lucerys propped himself up on his elbows and put on his underwear. He handed Aemond the tissues, looking at him judgmentally. “You invaded my personal space, even though I warned you.”
“You screamed and I was curious! And anyway, is that your thanks for the orgasm?” Aemond, of course, took advantage of the tissues, clucking his tongue indignantly and grinning. “You were fine with it.”
“How-- How dare you-- All right, Aemond. Since you and I have to hang out here for a week, I'll make you a deal," Lucerys sat on the bed. “To be honest, I was curious, too.”
“Wait a minute. Let me start. If you're going to propose an experiment, I should get my piece of the sweet pie, too," Aemond crossed his arms across his chest in a businesslike manner and cocked his chin.
“Huh? Are you talking about my pussy? By the way, I have to tell you, I'm a virgin. Well, I've never been with alpha or beta," Lucerys bit his lower lip. It was too unusual for him to be frank with Aemond. There was nothing shameful about his virginity, and nothing surprising either. Everyone decides for themselves when and with whom. Lucerys was embarrassed by the fact that he was talking about his intimate life with a fucking Targaryen. His uncle and the asshole-alpha.
“Why didn't you say so before?” Aemond moved closer to Lucerys, but Lucerys stopped him, putting his palms on his chest. Aemond rolled his eye. “What's wrong?”
“You didn't even finish listening. Anyway, it would be fun with you and toys, I'd gain new experiences, and my blog would get better. Well for you... Oral sex and petting. All is fair," Lucerys let Aemond get close to him and even allowed him to kiss his neck.
“Hmm..." Aemond whispered into Lucerys' neck, and he could literally feel his grin on his skin. “When do we start?”
“Not today! Look what you and I have done to my bed. It’s a mass!”
“Calm down. I'll help you. And I'll sleep here on the floor, if that's what you want.”
“By the way, first I’m gonna jerk off in the shower, Luke.”
How many more rules will this creep break? Lucerys snorted, but nodded. What could he do? Aemond had indeed given him one of the most intense orgasms of his life.